Are you ready for some serious cute? These guys are!
Sometimes foster kittens practically name themselves, sometimes, not so much! It finally became obvious that the tortie looks remarkably like an ewok, from Star Wars:
I mean, look at this!
I love having bottle babies again! It’s tricky getting pictures of myself bottlefeeding, but these two are really good latchers, so I managed it:
Feeding them means they get full bellies! And boy howdy are they full, sometimes! We’re thinking Willow for this one. That’s another character played by Warwick Davis (different movie) and I like the alliteration of Wicket and Willow. Other choices are Wicket and Padme, for a Star Wars-pure theme.
Seriously – the BELLY!
Also, milk mustache!
Happy full babies!
I can’t really resist tickling their fat tummies…
Sometimes a full belly, and tummy tickling leads right into … naptime!
And sometimes, a nap hits you just like THAT! This cracked me up totally!
And as often as a full belly means naptime, sometimes, it means DEATH MATCH! Full kittens are sometimes FRISKY kittens!
I love the whappy paws game, and so do they!
She’s kind of phoning it in with this episode of whappy paws. But the cute is still full-force:
When all else fails, tiny kittens should be trying to perfect their gaze-o-cute. This is the gaze that sucks you in and steals your soul!
Beware the gaze!
And most of all beware of Willow’s belly dots of DOOM! She knows how to aim them even in her sleep! They will hit you and melt you into a puddle of goo!