(School started this week, so I got swamped all of a sudden. I’m starting to get a handle on my schedule now, I think, so back to blogging and working on the website!)
Joule has been back a little over a week, and we’re still marveling at how HAPPY she seems! She still likes to get under the covers, although she likes to be able to peek out!
Are Photon and Pampi happy to have her back? Shall we ask them? “Hey boys! Are you happy to have Joule back?”
Why yes, yes they are! I took this shot blindly, over the laptop, because I could feel the cute gathering by my feet!
Did I mention she’s glad to be home, and likes it under the covers? She is SUCH a snuggle-bunny!
Actually, “snuggle-bunny” is kind of a theme with these kittens! Pampi and Photon can usually be found between us when we wake up.
Won’t someone PLEASE adopt one or more of these kittens?! If they don’t get homes, then when I bring home and assemble new Ikea furniture, THIS is what happens!!! (Seriously, I left the room, came back, and they were all sitting there like this, with lasers set on stun!)
Finally – a plea for Photon, who is endlessly quirky and overflowing with personality, and every once in a while allows me to catch him doing something COMPLETELY goofy, like this:
C’mon … you know you want one of these teenaged kittens, or someone who does. Or someone who knows someone who knows someone…