Photon and Joule – New Forever Homes!

We started last July with four lovely little kittens, affectionately nicknamed “The Dipsticks” because they each were white, with a color – and they each had their tail “dipped into their non-white color. Could a little batch of kittens BE any cuter? From the top, and going clockwise, that’s Hadron, Photon, Joule, and of course little Einstein.


They were all as sweet as can be, and cuddlebugs from the get-go. Joule is a lap-napper.


Seriously sweet:

And CUTE? Oh man – they have cute!

Photon is an anywhere-napper. He’s snuggly too, but this was just cute how he was perched on the pillow, with Joule beneath him.


Kittens have to practice so they can be good at catnapping when they grow up! Joule is an expert!


It’s also important to practice posing, if you’re a foster kitten. You never know when you might get adopted! I honestly thought Photon would be the first to go – he is SO gorgeous!


And he has these unbelievable ice-blue eyes!


But for whatever reason, Einie was the only one of the Dipsticks who got snapped up for AGES! I blame the fact that all my friends, and their friends, and even THEIR friends have mostly already adopted from me. I totally need new friends!

So they got bigger, and older, but no less sweet! Poor Joule had her hard time at Petsmart, but she recovered well, and had no trouble coming home and sitting pretty.


Or, y’know, kinda lounging around.


Photon is as pretty as ever, and cuddly too. He’s helping me with my homework, can’t you tell?


They’re kittens still – they like to climb!


And Photon has several really funny and quirky habits, one of which is he likes to LEAP onto you, and it’s best if you aren’t looking and it’s a surprise. But sometimes you can entice him to do it while you’re paying attention. We kept trying to capture it on video, and finally did. I wish we’d captured his bedtime BOUDNING across the bed, or Joule’s – they’re both “ALLRIGHT! Bedtime! Let’s GO!” kitties.

And pose!


And, sometimes, they like to curl up and rest their head on your foot so you can’t go anywhere for a while.


Yesterday I got an email from someone who has been looking for a kitty for a couple of months, and who saw an ad on Craigslist for my friend Les’s foster kitten, Jackson. In an effort to give more options, Les sent her here to my blog, and she emailed me about Photon. We arranged for her to come meet him, and probably take him home, today.

This morning, I woke up to a very welcome email from my friend CJ, who lives a bit more than an hour away. The hour is significant, because it’s the main reason she and Rob hadn’t come up to visit Joule yet. They sadly lost their three beloved elderly kitties over the last year or so and were left with one very scaredy foster kitten who they ended up adopting because he didn’t show well. Scaredy only likes CJ, so it was VERY important that whatever other kitty they got had to like Rob, too. He never gets to play with little Scaredy.

With the rainy weather, Rob’s flight-instructor duties canceled today, and all of a sudden they had an afternoon free! So we arranged for them to travel up here and meet, and hopefully take home, Joule!

Rob and CJ were kinda cat magnets!


Except for Pampi, who was inexplicably spooked about something, and would NOT participate in the same room, at ALL. It was SO out of character for him! He did look in on us, and even sat near CJ’s purse.


Rob really fell in love with Photon, as well, and kind of liked the idea of taking them both home. Boy, did I have to wrestle with that. I *totally* loved the idea of the two kittens going together, especially to a friend, but I had people arriving within an hour for that kitten, specifically. Geez … I really had to think if I had learned anything from the horrible Jett situation! They came and met the cats, and I did explain to Jenna my concerns about Photon being an only kitty, compared to not, and offered a couple of alternatives. I even went in the other room and talked about it with Aidon, who very wisely reminded me that in the end, they would both be great homes, and I care about people, too, and don’t want to be that person.

Photon was EXHAUSTED from being run around with the laser pointer. His sides were HEAVING and then he’d get up and play some MORE! He was like the Energizer kitty! Seriously! He *panted*!


Joule put on a show, too, and came over and flomped with both Rob and CJ multiple times. Of course, they could never hold a candle to the moving dot, when the laser pointer came out, but she did keep going back over to them, and I think Rob was totally convinced he liked him :)


And Jenna couldn’t help but love Photon! Bebe put in an appearance, to show everyone what a cranky old lady she is! She loves people – HATES the other cats. She’s such a funny thing.


When it was time to go, Joule got into the carrier pretty easily, and Photon said his goodbyes.


Not too long after he thought about getting in the carrier.


Then changed his mind so he could pose for a picture.


And get a last snuggle draped over my arm. He was REALLY tired!


But in the end, we popped him into the carrier, and he went off to his forever home!


Goodbye my little Dipsticks! I have loved you dearly, and am happy to see you move on to your forever homes! I’ll miss you, but can’t wait to hear how you’re doing in your new lives!

(I’ve been promised pics and updates!)

Posted in adoption, kitten | 6 Comments