Another Wonderful Kiki Update!

Since I have a distinct lack of 2011 bottle babies, I thought I’d ask a couple of the folks with 2010 bottle babies for an update. I got this gorgeous update with pics from Kiki’s family :)

Kiki is doing great. She is the center of Mason’s world and she sleeps with him every night. She is growing into a very confident, friendly, and funny cat. She is obsessed with water, it’s the strangest thing! She tries to get in the bath with the boys and frequently gets in the shower with us. I have never met a cat who likes the water so much!
I attached some pics of the boys with Kiki, and one where she is trying to take over Bella’s bed while the dog is still on it.

Kiki tring to get her share of the dog bed:

Kiki with her family:

Kiki loves her boys, and the bath!

Kiki REALLY loves her boy :)

Posted in adoption, kitten, update | 2 Comments