Another overdue post – Spring 2011 kittens weeks 7 and 8

Since I’m behind in posting, you should know that 5 of the 8 kittens have new homes (although only one, Monte) has actually gone there. If you’re wanting one of these pre-sweetened truly fantastic kittens, let me know! Cowbert, Catbert, and Dennis (Kodiak) are still looking for the perfect forever home!

This is the money shot, from these two weeks. I walked in the room, saw Cowbert like this, and turned around to grab the camera and hurried back hoping he was still like this. He was. GAH GAH GAH! He’s 7 weeks old in this shot.


How fortunate am I to have a husband who reacts like this to kitten nibbles? :) Little Nanuk is such a lovebug.


Aidon, cradling the ever-cute and adorable Cowbie!


Getting bigger isn’t keeping them from piling up together!


Little Monte, perfecting his “adopt me” gaze. It totally worked. He was adopted last weekend!


Dennis totally needs a forever home, and he is SO SWEET and purry and cuddly and full of personality! He wants to LOVE you! (Also, he is a bit of a baby, and a finger-sucker, when he’s sleepy… he’s very cute!)


All the kittens love the windowsill in the afternoon sun. Isn’t Aurora a beauty, peeking out at me?


Minnie, you have your forever home totally lined up! You can turn it off now… no, really, the belly dots of doom? Overkill for a kitten already spoken for! Don’t you think?


At 38 days old, this is Cowbert, turning on the cute. Not overkill, since he still hasn’t lined up HIS forever home :)


Pampi would like it to be known that he is TOTALLY not too big for the baby beds!


Although I’m not sure how – what with his thieving ways! 😉

You cannot resist the Cowbie!!!


Look how brave the little Cowbie is – sneaking up on the ever-growly naked kitty, Bebe, who hates all kittens, but loves their food! Minnie thinks that tail might be fun to chase, too!


Cowbert, king of the cat tree, and prince of adorable!


Did I post this here? Not sure if I did … well, here we go again! At about five weeks old, here is tiny Cowbert on the cat tree, whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiining for love!


For maximum effect and death by cute, watch the video. Seriously. Even if you saw it before.

Bebe is learning to tolerate the kittens… especially if there is sun involved. Aurora copies Bebe in the sun spot.


I’m glad school is over, because this is what homework is like with 7 week old kittens!


Of course, sometimes they’re just distracting in general!

We are running a training school for ceiling cats. Nanuk is doing well in his classes!


Awww… Dennis and Aurora, snuggling in a single bitty bed.


Feeding time at the zoo is a little insane. We TOTALLY need a round platter that is JUST a little bigger for eight kittens *sighs*


Aidon’s feeding-time OCD always kicks in, and he has to arrange them just so. The lack of an eighth spot has bothered him until Monte got rehomed 😉


It’s the nom-nom-nom symphony!

The kittens are really starting to explore EVERYWHERE! Everything’s a jungle gym!


Little Catbert, at 44 days old, peeking from a folding chair!


OMG I was glad when they FINALLY outgrew going under this couch! Little stinkers would get themselves half-trapped and need help, and it wasn’t helped by someone on the outside trying to whap at them!

Aww, the original three from this season, the big kittens: Minnie, Monte, and Claire!


Claire, with her Q-Tip … she’s very possessive of it here!

“HEY! Did you forget about me?! I’m very cute! Don’t forget it!”


I was trying to capture the spookiness of Kiwi, nearly invisible, in the cat condo.


“HEY! I’m cute TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Dennis really needs a forever home too! :)


He comes with EXTRA large ears, and a desire to have big kitties LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE him :) He would probably be a great companion to an older kitty who was looking for a younger one to bond with. I don’t think he’d take no for an answer for very long. He TOTALLY insisted Kiwi give him a bath here.


My next door neighbor (the one responsible for landing the ‘berts here) was a graduating HS senior and needed some animal shots for his photography class. He gave a call and then came on over to do a kitty photo shoot. I still haven’t seen what he ended up with, but there have to have been some great ones! They’re so photogenic :)


Y’know how if you leave a candy bar in the car, it gets all droopy and melty? Well, kittens can be like that, too!


The kittens TOTALLY have smaller bowls, with kitten food in them, available at all times. This doesn’t stop things like this from happening. At. All. Silly Monte!


They’re a frisky, rompy bunch sometimes!

This is what lazy afternoons are often like. Monte and the ‘berts, just hanging out in bitty beds.


Yeah, we just have kittens dozing or playing, pretty much wherever people are hanging out. They like to be nearby, when not directly piled on top of, one of us. It’s a rough life, but someone’s gotta save the world, one (or eight) kittens at a time!


Posted in aidon, foster, kitten | 3 Comments