Update Pic! Frappy/Vuvu

Oh, do you remember the ugly little duckling, Frappy?


She looked almost more like a small white ferret than a kitten, at first!


She arrived with her sister Cappy, and her brother Mackey. Yes, short for Frappuccino, Cappuccino, and Macchiatto. You try coming up with kitten names all year long 😉


She already had something weird going on with her fur in the first few weeks, but then she got dirty, and had to be cleaned up, and looked REALLY ridiculous!


She started growing her fur back, and it was clear she was going to get as cute as her very fluffy sister Cappy.


In the meantime, she worked on the cute. She worked it HARD!


No, really, she worked that cute! She was doing this for several minutes before Aidon showed up and I had him start filming.

“I’m no ugly duckling any more!!! I’ve got CUTE!”


Did she mention, she has CUTE?


She was very excited to get in her carrier when it was time to go to her forever home! Cappy thought she should come along, too!


She got renamed Vuvu (short for Vuvuzela, because of her PURR rumble, and she was adopted during the World Cup.)

I’ve gotten several great pics over the last few months from her forever person, Rebecca, including this one, tonight, with the following caption:

“Good catnip makes good neighbors.” Look at that FLUFFITUDE!!!

When I asked if she was still as sweet as ever, Rebecca said: “Vuvu is a total purr box snuggle-upagus love machine. I even forgive her for long, clingy white cat hair on all my black clothes”

Yup – another great homing :)

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5 Responses to Update Pic! Frappy/Vuvu

  1. Shakatany says:

    Nice to read that she ended up so nice and fluffy after her difficult beginning.

  2. Wendy says:

    Heard a phrase today that made me think of you. It was from a blog by a kitten foster-er who said “It’s like a kitten library – you check them out and every few months you return them and get fresh new ones!”

  3. kisekileia says:

    I think she was cute even when she looked like a ferret!

  4. Sammie says:

    Wasn’t she the runt of the litter as well?
    She definately fluffed out!!!

  5. Dragonladych says:

    Wow, that’s really an amazing transformation! She’s gorgeous now!

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