I am stupidly excited about my newly ordered mini MOO cards which will arrive in a couple of weeks. I already have some for my cakes, and I love having them as a quick and easy way to give someone my contact info. They stand out more than business cards, and are really beautifully printed. My biggest problem? Deciding on pics!
They will all have this on the back:
But I will have 3 or 4 of each of the following on the front! Which is your favorite? How many of those kittens can you name? You can find the whole set from which I took these pictures over at flickr.
Ya; I had it narrowed to 3 but then realized I had to scroll down LOLOLOL! NO idea how you could possibly choose! Phaton’s eyes are amazing but the shot with them all lined up at the feeding dishes with their wee tails makes my heart happy!
LOL All the ones on this page – THOSE were the ones I finally chose! If I had to eliminate any of these, I’d be screwed! 😉 And yeah, those are a couple of my favorites, too! I can’t wait to see how his eyes look, printed!
Alas I have no memory for names. I like the black and white kitten on the green catbed the best. S/he looks like s/he’s posing for the camera knowing how important it is to look cute but having a slightly quizzical expression at the strange human behavior of the camera person.
The black and white one is the famous Broccoli Kitten aka Captain Pugwash
He was a crack up!
I can name at least two of those kittens! Because, um, they are sitting on my feet, waiting for kibbles.
I confess that while I can tell Honey from the other many tuxes, because of her forehead star and tiny white toes, I can’t always distinguish Oliver, Mittens, and all the rest without cheating, anymore! *sighs* Bad Foster mommy! But for sure Oliver and Honey are in there, and I know who they are in this collection
Well… I see Otter, Turtle, Jett, maybe Einstein, and is that Captain Pugwash near the top? I’m not too good at remembering names, but I recognize a lot of them.
My favorite are the one of Pugwash (if it’s him!), the one at the top, the gray cat cuddling with the black and white kitten, the cheesecake one, the tabby with the bottle, and the one with a bunch eating in a neat row. I would probably pick the bottle one or the eating in a row one if it were me. The bottle because it’s adorable and shows that you specialize in bottle babies, and the eating one because it’s adorable and shows you foster lots and lots of kitties at a time and handle it well!
I haven’t been following your stuff long enough to recognize any kittens, but my favorites are the ones with kittens on their backs demanding belly rubs! SO cute.